
Hi and welcome to my page. Those of you that come regularly have noticed that I've not done a lot with it over the last year. Well lets just say I got lazy and board. Lots of things happened in my life and building web pages was not on the top of the list. I'm looking forward to the new race season and to working on my pages again. race_car Meet the two most important men in my life.
This little guy is my oldest son Alan.
And this is his little brother Zachary.

race_car As you can probably guess by the name I like nascbar racing, my Mom got me into the sport when I was a little girl, she took me to my first race, we camped out in the parking lot with my grandma and my sister we had a good time and I've been hooked since.
I follow all of the series with the cup boy's being my favorite. Favorite drivers you ask? Well basically with the big boy's I'm a Ford lady, with Dale Jarret and Mark Martin being among those that I follow closest.
In the Busch series I've several drivers that I like among them are Todd Bodine, yes you've seen him in the cup series as well. I also like Randy LaJoie.
For the trucks well that's a tough choice I like Jack Sprague and Tammy Jo Kirk, yep a woman, 'cause she's doing something I would love to have the opportinuty to do.

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